

webinar raves

written and presented by Elizabeth Sims

Participant Comments

  • "Your class was exceptional for me. Extremely informative and easy to understand. You presented your material in such a way that anyone like myself, no prior writing experience or formal education on the craft of writing, could easily grasp and put to use immediately. Which is what I did."

  • "I really enjoyed the webinar today, especially the 'storytelling' and 'trusting yourself' points with writing. The 'Yes and...' question and 'What if...' are so important to keeping the word mixture and story alive and expanding. I also like the 'bridge' character usage and am currently using that tool to extend the depth of my current story."

  • "Ms. Sims, I found your presentation yesterday invaluable. Usually, if I walk away from a presentation with one good lesson, I consider it time well spent. I walked away with 3: (1) Structuring; (2) Character development; and,most importantly (3) Sequels."

  • "Your response [to my excerpt], coming from a writer as accomplished as you are, was so uplifting to me that I can't stop smiling, and right now and I have a renewed energy to continue on."

  • "Thank you very much for your critique. I found it very helpful and encouraging: I'm thrilled that you like my opening. Not being a native speaker, I tend to be a little nervous about my writing, but your comments really heartened me."

  • "Ms. Sims, I could kiss you!!! The webinar and the critique provided insight, confidence and more importantly—hope. I especially found the brainstorming piece insightful and have shared some of your strategies with my fellow writing friends. I've been stuck on my sub-plot and realized after the webinar that it just wasn't working. So I followed your plan and just let it marinate in my head and yesterday inspiration hit. A huge thank you to us wanna-be published writers!"

  • "Just a quick note to thank you for the presentation. I was unable to 'attend' in person but was able to listen to the archived recording. This was my first experience at something like this. I found the format of the presentation was very good. You gave lots of information in a very clear and logical way. I also appreciated the humour, and your examples. I learned some interesting ways to 'fix' the problems I know exist in my mystery. So, enlightened revision here I come!"